About Dana

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I'm a dichotomy of blue jeans, pretty jewelry, frugalista, and Southern girl living the simple rural life. I want to live my life holistically, thoughtfully, economically, and most of all gratefully, and encourage other women to do the same.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

My Newest Favorite Beauty "Find"

I'm a busy, busy mom like many of you, so when I find a product that gets me out the door faster by removing a few steps in my hectic day, I want to share it with everyone.

Here's a new beauty product I absolutely love. I use it to replace my primer, concealer, and makeup. No one is paying me to say this, but L'oreal's "BB Cream" [stands for Beauty Balm] is fantastic. One step equals three products I can "X" out of my morning routine (that is, on the days I decide to wear makeup). It's great to even out my complexion.

Another happy part is that you can buy it at your local drugstore.

Give it a try to speed up your routine in the a.m.


Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Puppy Love

I wrote a few months ago about our beloved golden retriever, Molly, who died. We still miss her, but I promised my son that by the end of the summer, he could have a new puppy. So here goes.

Hello, Happy.

Nothing like a little diversion in the form of a puppy.

We have always had American golden retrievers. They love to play outside, roll in the grass (and other undesirable things), fetch a ball, and generally run around like a good country dog should.

Happy is an English golden retriever. She has not wanted to go outside. The grass is too wet. The darkness is too dark. Why can't I pee inside instead? We have been pulling her along on the leash to force her to go outside. Inside is her heaven. So I have threatened to paint her toenails pink, like a frou-frou doggie.

All that changed on Labor Day. My son and Mr. Country Belle took Happy outside to the river, paddled away in the canoe, and let her see what her retriever roots were all about.

Yeah, baby. This is what it's all about.

I'm no longer threatening her with a girly manicure. She appears to be a full-blooded retriever at heart.

And I'll admit I love having a little-bitty baby puppy to give a bath post-rivertime (well, at least as little-bitty as a future big dog can ever be).

Hope your Labor Day was as fun as ours.
